[3Dモデル] 🔧 -Tech Cheongsam - 🔧
- ダウンロード商品SELESTIA Cheongsam Bundle¥ 2,500
- ダウンロード商品SELESTIA Cheongsam Outfit¥ 1,500
- ダウンロード商品SELESTIA Elecsperia Rifle¥ 800
3Dモデル用オリジナル衣装「セレスティア」/ Original outfit for the model [SELESTIA] Creator: Vector Lotus https://x.com/Vector_Lotus SFX Design: Sournetic https://x.com/TheSourKnights VFX Design: MedicE https://medice.booth.pm/ Consultant: Kyrowo https://kyrowovrc.gumroad.com/ Special Thanks: Cordedstraw https://x.com/Cordedstraw Source image inspiration: 狄拉克海里的X鱼 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/108080209
> Product Details <
Modular Avatar Support: ✅ This product requires SELESTIA https://booth.pm/en/items/4035411 51,779△, Cloth Simulation, Full-body Tracking, VRCSDK3.0 Compatible, Physbones, 2 Shapekeys for breast slider, Liltoon & Poiyomi support for the product. [Compatible Shaders] (Poiyomi Toon Shader 9.0.57) https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader?tab=readme-ov-file [NOTE: You do NOT require both shaders you just require whichever shader you use in your Unity projects or prefer.] (lilToon Shader 1.7.3) https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170 [Required Shaders] (Mochi Shader 1.49) [This is required for the weapon] https://github.com/MochiesCode/Mochies-Unity-Shaders/releases VFX effects for the weapon credit goes to. https://raivovfx.booth.pm (Shaders required for the VFX to work properly is included within the product package)
> Package Differences <
[SELESTIA Cheongsam Bundle] - .blend files are included for the entire outfit and the Elecsperia rifle are included - SPP (Substance 3D Painter) files for the entire outfit and the Elecsperia rifle are included - FBX files for the entire outfit and the Elecsperia rifle are included - 3 Variants of the Cheongsam Outfit (Poiyomi & lilToon support) - 3 Variants of the Elecsperia rifle (Poiyomi & lilToon support) - VFX for the Elecsperia rifle - SFX for the Elecsperia rifle - Installation video -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SELESTIA Cheongsam Outfit] - .blend files are included for the entire outfit are included - SPP (Substance 3D Painter) files for the entire outfit are included - FBX files for the entire outfit are included - 3 Variants of the Cheongsam Outfit (Poiyomi & lilToon support) - Installation video -------------------------------------------------------------------------- [SELESTIA Elecsperia Rifle] - .blend files are included for the Elecsperia rifle are included - SPP (Substance 3D Painter) files for the Elecsperia rifle are included - FBX files for the Elecsperia rifle are included - 3 Variants of the Elecsperia rifle (Poiyomi & lilToon support) - VFX for the Elecsperia rifle - SFX for the Elecsperia rifle - Installation video ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
> How to Install <
1. Install Unity 2022.3.6f1 (This is the current unity version for VRChat as of this posting) 2. Install VCC (VRChat Creator Companion) 3. Install latest version of the VRCSDK through VCC 4. Depending on the shader you prefer you can install Poiyomi Toon Shader or lilToon. Both can also be installed at the same time with the links above. 5. Install Mochi's shader with the link above. 6. Import the purchased unitypackage into your project 7. Within your purchased product package there will be a folder called "Installation Tutorials" please watch the entirety of it depending on the package you purchased. 8. Click VRChat SDK > Show Control Panel > Builder > Build & Publish for Windows in the top menu and upload the avatar
> Terms of Use <
Upon purchasing this model, you have agreed to these terms and conditions. The contents within this products use may be subject to change, and the latest version will take effect. As of June 29th, 2024 the contents will remain In effect Terms of Use (EN) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Tk3cnm1Wu66vxEYtm4ONZ3xniOXTymmD/view?usp=sharing 規約全文 (JP) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kUPgpfCSN7SPgkjAl5E2CRmKb04xPiV_/view?usp=sharing 이용규약 (KO) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_DgBy4TWJ_yJq5gjjextzJwLcOA_UJxO/view?usp=sharing 使用条款 (ZH) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g_p1vm42ibicyVoyk4rgUodp7K5rjjxI/view?usp=sharing
> Contact <
Twitter: @Vector_Lotus email: vectorlotus3d@gmail.com Support: https://discord.gg/rjjDbtzCJj