
[3Dモデル] 🔧 -Tech Cheongsam - 🔧

  • ダウンロード商品
    SELESTIA Cheongsam Bundle
    ¥ 2,500
  • ダウンロード商品
    SELESTIA Cheongsam Outfit
    ¥ 1,500
  • ダウンロード商品
    SELESTIA Elecsperia Rifle
    ¥ 800

3Dモデル用オリジナル衣装「セレスティア」/ Original outfit for the model [SELESTIA] Creator: Vector Lotus https://x.com/Vector_Lotus SFX Design: Sournetic https://x.com/TheSourKnights VFX Design: MedicE https://medice.booth.pm/ Consultant: Kyrowo https://kyrowovrc.gumroad.com/ Special Thanks: Cordedstraw https://x.com/Cordedstraw Source image inspiration: 狄拉克海里的X鱼 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/108080209

[3Dモデル]   🔧 -Tech Cheongsam - 🔧
[3Dモデル]   🔧 -Tech Cheongsam - 🔧
[3Dモデル]   🔧 -Tech Cheongsam - 🔧
[3Dモデル]   🔧 -Tech Cheongsam - 🔧
[3Dモデル]   🔧 -Tech Cheongsam - 🔧
[3Dモデル]   🔧 -Tech Cheongsam - 🔧
3Dモデル用オリジナル衣装「セレスティア」/ Original outfit for the model [SELESTIA] Creator: Vector Lotus https://x.com/Vector_Lotus SFX Design: Sournetic https://x.com/TheSourKnights VFX Design: MedicE https://medice.booth.pm/ Consultant: Kyrowo https://kyrowovrc.gumroad.com/ Special Thanks: Cordedstraw https://x.com/Cordedstraw Source image inspiration: 狄拉克海里的X鱼 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/108080209

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